Tuesday, August 20, 2019

"How I Like To Sleep"

I have a big king size blanket. I divide it in the middle so it's under me. Then I lay on that and fold the other half over myself and roll so it wraps right around me and there ya have it I'm in my own cozy burrito in my own space to myself. Lol.

But you can get stuck in it to, It's happend to me lol. I forgot what way to roll when I wake up and it gets tighter as the blankets keep you captive till you figure out how to roll to get free.  Haha. I've had those mornings when someone wakes me up. Hard enough just getting up on my own. So im pissed having to get up. I roll the wrong way!, Now I'm a pissed off mummy incased in this damn burrito fighting my way out as I'm yelling you messed up my whole morning already!

I was Practically ready to just jump up all wrapped up and take the damn blanket with me.

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